
The young child is born into a world of wonder.  Everything in nature amazes the child and the child hungers for knowledge of the world and its creatures.  The science materials satisfy the child's desire to understand, name, classify, and order impressions from the natural world.

Our children explore the names and classifications of animals as they work with the animal anatomy puzzles, the nomenclature cards and the classification cards. They become acquainted with flowers, plants, and trees as they work with the nomenclature cards, parts of the plant puzzles, and the botany cabinet.  As they become readers they enjoy reading and copying information from books about animals.  They are encouraged to conduct experiments to discover scientific principles.  They enjoy making collections and examining items found in nature.  

Our wall of windows allows the children to observe nature continually through the day.  Experiences in planting, animal care, observing life cycles, and recycling nurture the child's love and respect for the world in which we live.